Q: What is the degree of Dr. Pooja
Kumari ?
Ans: Dr. Pooja
Kumari's degree is MBBS, DGO
Q: What is the speciality of Dr. Pooja
Kumari ?
Ans: Dr. Pooja
Kumari's speciality is Gynaecologist.
Q: At what time patient can get appointment with Dr. Pooja
Kumari in Purvanchal MetroCity Hospital, Gorakhpur?
Ans: Dr. Pooja
Kumari's can consult the patient Available . If any emergency case doctors will consult the patient any time.
Q: What is the contact number for 24 hrs emergency services in Purvanchal MetroCity Hospital, Gorakhpur?
Ans: Contact number for 24 hrs emergency services in Purvanchal MetroCity Hospital, Gorakhpur is +91-9598072093
Q: What is contact number for Online Appointment Booking with Dr. Pooja
Kumari in Purvanchal MetroCity Hospital, Gorakhpur?
Ans: Contact number for Online Appointment Booking with Dr. Pooja
Kumari is +91-8887597270.