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Purvanchal MetroCity Hospital

HN Singh Chowk, Medical Collage Road, Gorakhpur
Home > Doctors > Dr. S.P. Tripathi
Dr. S.P. Tripathi

Dr. S.P. Tripathi

MBBS, MD (Medicine)
Speciality : General Physician
Availability Time : 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM

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Frequently asked questions - For patient help

Q: What is the degree of Dr. S.P. Tripathi ?
Ans: Dr. S.P. Tripathi's degree is MBBS, MD (Medicine)
Q: What is the speciality of Dr. S.P. Tripathi ?
Ans: Dr. S.P. Tripathi's speciality is General Physician.
Q: At what time patient can get appointment with Dr. S.P. Tripathi in Purvanchal MetroCity Hospital, Gorakhpur?
Ans: Dr. S.P. Tripathi's can consult the patient 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM . If any emergency case doctors will consult the patient any time.
Q: What is the contact number for 24 hrs emergency services in Purvanchal MetroCity Hospital, Gorakhpur?
Ans: Contact number for 24 hrs emergency services in Purvanchal MetroCity Hospital, Gorakhpur is +91-9598072093
Q: What is contact number for Online Appointment Booking with Dr. S.P. Tripathi in Purvanchal MetroCity Hospital, Gorakhpur?
Ans: Contact number for Online Appointment Booking with Dr. S.P. Tripathi is +91-8887597270.

Dr. S.P. Tripathi - General Physician

A general physician is a general practitioner who is specialized in diagnosing, evaluating and treating wide range of acute and chronic illnesses. A general physician provides preventive care and health education and awareness to patients of any age and gender. There are various health conditions which require immediate treatment such as fever, diarrhea, cold, cough, vomiting, high blood pressure, flu shot, general consultation, cardiovascular screening and pre-surgery checkup, etc. Book online appointment and consult with top general physician at purvanchal Metrocity Hospital.

A general physician is a primary care doctor who is specialized in treating a little bit of every disease. With a general physician, you can discuss a wide range of health issues and concerns. He helps you manage and treat diseases like diabetes, arthritis, fever, jaundice, gut problem, cold, cough, high blood pressure, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. Visiting a general physician for a regular health checkup also reduces your overall health costs in the future. A primary doctor also gives a referral to a specialist doctor based on the symptoms of the diseases.